Polyam Pirates

Nsfw project featuring Polyam couples.


A project for any version of a polyamorous couple in the One Piece Universe. This will feature nsfw themes and AU content as One Piece in canon is not geared towards romantic relationships.Because of this, we also accept a pairing with an OC in them.


Is this a free zine?
Yeah! Free and downloadable at the end of the project.
How old do I need to be to apply?
Given the nsfw themes, 18 at least.
Which content will this project feature?
The general theme is polyam relationships, is all its forms. Because of this, this is a nsfw themed project and might feature content that some people will view as problematic. Newscoo is very much a ship and let ship environment, so we welcome any and all.
When can I apply?
Apps will open soon, you can apply then. Do keep in mind that people who haven't been in a Newscoo project will get accepted first. However, we hope to give a chance to as many people as possible.
Do I need to be Poly to apply?
Not at all!


Page Artist
Page artist are required to make one page art spanning one page or a spread of two pages. This can be just art, but a comic or anything else can be used too.
We ask that you specify this in your pitch.
You do not need any experience in page art, although we would like to see people who have some art made already. But we do ask that people applying have a portfolio to share.
Spot Artist
Spot artist are required to make several art pieces to accompany a written piece. This means either several pieces for one fic or one piece for several fics.
You do not need any previous experience in zines or spot art. But we do ask that people applying have a portfolio to show.
General Artist
We're open to accepting everyone who applies, but as stated in the FAQ we're accepting people who haven't been a part of a Newscoo project first.
We don't accept artists who work with AI art or who trace art. Other then that, digital or traditional is all welcome.

Writers are expected to make a piece from 1500 to 2000 words. This piece needs to feature a poly pairing as center pairing (side pairings don't matter).
NSFW, or E-rated pieces are allowed, as are pairings with an OC included (at least one character in the pairing needs to be a canon OP character though).
There is no need for previous zine experience, but we ask that you do have a portfolio to show us.
Pieces already published don't count, you need to write a new piece for the project.
Pieces written with AI or blandly copied by someone else will not be accepted.


April 1 Apps open
May 25th Apps close
June 1st Deadline to enter server
June 15th Pitch submission
June 20th Deadline Pitch submission
June 21st Spot Art preference submission
June 26th Deathline Spot Art submission
July 1st Pairing match up
July 10th Check in 0.5 (light outline, sketch, contact between writer and spot artist)
August 12th Check in 1 (50%)
September 15th Check in 2 (75%)
October 20th Check in 3 (100%)
November 23 Release on Internatonial Poly day!